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Data privacy analysis report of hotjar

4 min read
Last Updated: June 18, 2024


Hotjar offers comprehensive tools for understanding user behavior and feedback through Heatmaps, Surveys, Recordings, and more. It collects various types of data, ensuring all sensitive information is handled responsibly and securely. The insights garnered from Hotjar allow businesses to improve their products, user experience, and overall business performance.

Hotjar's suite of tools offers businesses unparalleled insights into user behavior and feedback, empowering data-driven decisions that enhance user experience and drive growth.

Who are hotjar and what is their primary business model?

Hotjar, accessible via, offers a range of tools designed to give businesses comprehensive insights into user behavior. These primary offerings include Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys, Funnels, Trends, and Engage. Heatmaps visualize user interaction on websites through clicks, scrolls, and movement, allowing businesses to understand user preferences and potentially problematic areas

Recordings enable real-time observation of user behavior, enabling businesses to identify and rectify pain points. Surveys are used to gather user opinions and feedback directly. Funnels analyze the user journey to identify where users drop off, helping to optimize conversion rates

Trends track behavior patterns over time, providing businesses with data on what works and what needs adjustment. Engage is in beta and allows businesses to gather realtime feedback directly from users. Collectively, these tools help businesses enhance user experience and satisfaction.

What types of data does hotjar collect from its users?

Hotjar collects various types of data from its users. These include unique user identifiers, cookie IDs, personal data (such as names and email addresses collected by Hotjar's customers), and protected classifications (like race and gender, though this data is only collected if the client specifically requests it). Commercial information regarding records of purchased products and services is also collected

While Hotjar notes the possibility of collecting biometric information, it specifically states that it does not do so. It does collect electronic network activity information, such as IP addresses, device type, operating systems, and window sizes and contents. Hotjar also collects professional or employment-related information, such as work details, company size, and site type, but refrains from collecting geolocation data, sensory data, and education records

Furthermore, inferences about user preferences and behavior on are made to build a more comprehensive user profile. This assortment of data helps businesses better understand their users and optimize their products or services accordingly.

Does Hotjar store or process any sensitive or confidential information?

While Hotjar doesn't store or process sensitive information without explicit consent, it emphasizes the measures taken to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Data suppression features allow website owners to tag elements to prevent sending sensitive information like passwords and credit card details to Hotjar's servers. For IP addresses, Hotjar employs anonymization by removing the last octet, making it impossible to track individual users

All user data collected is securely stored by Amazon Web Services in EU-based data centers, adhering to stringent security standards. Additionally, Hotjar uses sub-processors with high data protection and security standards who process data only according to Hotjar’s instructions. They implement mandatory deletion of IP addresses within 30 days and allow indefinite storage of feedback tool responses until deletion is initiated by the account owner

These measures collectively ensure that both Hotjar and its clients manage data responsibly, securely, and in compliance with privacy regulations.

What specific purposes do Hotjar's customers use the collected data for?

Hotjar's customers leverage the collected data for various purposes, all aimed at enhancing user experience and business performance. By analyzing heatmaps, recordings, and other tools, users gain a critical understanding of how individuals interact with their sites or products. This leads to identifying friction points, drop-offs, and areas of user dissatisfaction

With this insight, businesses can refine and improve their product development, making tweaks or introducing new features based on actual user interaction. Enhancing customer experience is another primary goal. By optimizing site navigation, reducing friction, and generally improving usability, businesses can expect increased user engagement and higher conversion rates

Real-time feedback garnered through surveys and similar tools provides actionable insights into user opinions and pain points. These analytics are invaluable for refining marketing efforts, as the data helps target the right audience and evaluate campaign effectiveness. Ultimately, Hotjar’s information facilitates informed, data-driven decision-making, allowing businesses to improve their products, satisfy users, and drive growth.